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We all have Parts.
The part of you that does whatever it takes for your childhood Survival Strategy to succeed is called your 'Gremlin'.Whatever part of your Gremlin you do not own, owns you.
Meet Your Gremlin...
Meet Your Gremlin
After watching this entire video please register Matrix Code: NC-RADIO.70 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
After watching this entire video please register Matrix Code: YOUTUBEx.47 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
Rumpelstiltskin Is My Name...
The fairy story of Rumpelstiltskin is a map.
An unconsciously functioning Underworld can subsume the entire context and purpose of your life. It is your job to work out how to take your life back. The 'Gremlin' has had many years head start in serving the Shadow Principles that undermine your responsible creative power. In this section we will suggest ways in which you can consciously get your power back.
The Gremlin part of you is committed to serving a specific set of three, four or five Shadow Principles called your Hidden Purpose. That Gremlin part is organized, fast, and very intelligent about keeping you unconscious of its true motivations. The Gremlin derives pleasure when your enemy feels pain, even when that “enemy” is your beloved partner. Giving this Gremlin part a name is a powerful alchemical tool. Your Gremlin will even tell you its own name if you respectfully ask and attentively listen. Here are the names of some Gremlins I have met: Dinki, Baue, Schnupu, Thorsten, Katanka, Speedy, and Pim.Not ordinary names, for sure, but real Gremlin names nonetheless. Having the name of your Gremlin gives you a “handle” for getting a hold of it (recall that in the fairy tale Rumpelstiltskin, the maiden could only release herself from the power of the Gremlin through learning his name). Without the handle, Gremlin does what it wants whenever it wants to do it. Since you cannot call it by name it owns you. Never forgetting your Gremlin’s name, and keeping a watch out for the three to five Shadow Principles of your Hidden Purpose, is a huge step towards you 'owning' it.
Carrying Gremlin’s name and Hidden Purpose on the tip of your senses permits you to experientially distinguished the Gremlin within yourself. You can identify its approach by the energetic signature of its gleefully irresponsible, smug, little giggle. Until you fiercely self-observe to the point where Gremlin's activities become conscious, Gremlin's activities will remain unconscious and will destroy your possibility of serving Archetypal Love. Instead, no matter what you think, your life is dedicated to serving Gremlin.
Even long-time spiritual students who have not made the Gremlin distinction can be counted upon to regularly create Gremlin games with the people in their life. Gremlin keeps its foot in the back door, never allowing the Archetypal Relationship chamber to seal. The internal heat and pressure can never get hot enough to ignite genuine remorse because Gremlin blows it off with a joke or a comment, or doggedly persists in whistling unconsciously along his merry way. Without the intense and lasting pain of the remorse of recognizing that the Gremlin is getting ready to feed, and then you doing something completely different, nothing changes.
Gremlin feeding activities typically include:
- flirting
- masturbating
- playing video games
- eating 'junk' foods
- men not lifting the toilet seat to pee
- women gossiping
- breaking time agreements (coming in even a few minutes late, even if you have a really good reason, or if you apologize)
- complaining as if you are a victim
- forgetting appointments or promises
- playing practical jokes
- stealing insignificant things (pens from work, silverware from the restaurant, grapes at the grocery store, airline blankets, special leftovers from the refrigerator)
- driving even a few miles an hour over the speed limit
- not exercising
- trying to cut ahead in line
- energetically 'trashing' spaces even in small ways (e.g., walking through the space being visible, inelegantly opening or closing the door, coughing, yawning, farting, looking out the window, moving the chair, dropping a pen, conspicuously drinking from your water bottle at delicate moments)
- having little accidents
- using up the last of something and not putting it on the shopping list
- littering
- sneaking
- swearing
- sleeping in when you’ve previously made a commitment to yourself to get up at a certain time
- trying to get more than somebody else
- returning the car with the gas tank on empty
- talking to keep everyone’s attention
- leaving floating turds in the toilet
- over eating
- not changing the empty toilet paper roll or the burned out light bulb
- looking on other people’s desks or into their drawers
- reading other people’s mail
- sleeping during meetings
- lying
- making jokes or comments about other people
- making up excuses
- not doing what you say you will do
- feeling resentful
- changing plans without telling anyone
- on and on and on...
As you can see, many of these activities are quite familiar, indicating that you have an entire Underworld Ecology thriving within you determining the quality of your life day and night. It is your responsibility to recognize the full horror of the situation. It is your responsibility to learn the hierarchy of Underworld creatures feeding upon each other within you, upon you by other people, and by you upon those people who are dearest to you. Until these dynamics are brought to light, your Underworld is controlling your life.
The procedure for distilling the three, four or five Shadow Principles of your Hidden Purpose is appropriately named The Hidden Purpose Process. In contrast to its sensible name, the process itself is is horrendous. The term 'disillusionment' does not even come close to depicting what it feels like. For this reason, the Hidden Purpose process is best done under the guidance of someone skilled in navigating Underworld spaces with absolute clarity; someone who will never forget, for an instant, that the manifestations that arise, the feelings, the tones of voice, are all an act of Underworld theater – all a story, and only one way to look at things. Distilling your Shadow Principles has nothing to do with beliefs, and especially nothing to do with 'good and evil.'
Once you have distilled your Hidden Purpose from the incidents and accidents of your life it can take you months or years to digest and integrate the experience into practical application. All that you have, after distilling your Hidden Purpose, is a way to detect who is in charge of what you are saying right now. That is a useful distinction.
Gremlin creations are far easier to spot in someone else than in ourselves. One way for people to serve each other and hold the space for the possibility of Archetypal Relationship is by making an agreement to 'spot the Gremlin.' Each time your Gremlin reveals its grimy little paws and yellow-tooth, bad-breath smile, your “spot the Gremlin” team mate has permission from you to greet it by name and purpose. “Hello Dinki. Feeling betrayed again, are we?” Identifying your Gremlin by name and Hidden Purpose gives you a way to interact with your Gremlin responsibly.This is a small, but necessary step in establishing a conscious working relationship with your Gremlin.
Clarity About Gremlin Food
Vera Franco, Gremlin Transformer, and Decontamination of the Adult Egostate Coach,
takes the screen to clarify 'What is Gremlin Food, really'?
Matrix Code YOUTUBEx.25, to log in to your free account at StartOver.xyz.
If you sing along out loud with this music video you earn one Matrix Point by registering the Matrix Code YOUTUBEx.17 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
PHASE I of Gremlin Work
Own Your Gremlin
This is not a joke. (It could well be that because Heath Ledger did not own the Gremlin in him that so expertly played the role of Batman's nemesis, the Underworld character The Joker, he tried to manage the experience of making his Underworld so publicly evident by using drugs... It did not work out so well for him. Let this be a lesson to you.)
We are not kidding.
Once you have your Gremlin’s name all that you have is the knowledge of its existence and an ability to distinguish “it” from “you.” This is significant and still insufficient. There are further steps to take. Your job now is to change your relationship to your Gremlin through responsibility. Whereas previously Gremlin ran wild, knocked you unconscious, and did whatever it wanted with your life, now your job is to make Gremlin your ally instead of your owner.
At first Gremlin will hate you for your efforts. Gremlin hates you because you represent responsibility. Responsibility, to the Gremlin, is like water to the Wicked Witch of the West. If you douse the Gremlin with responsibility he fears there will be nothing left. In being recognized by you, Gremlin is terrified of soon starving to death from lack of irresponsible, Low Drama energy food. Your job is to put your Gremlin on a regular feeding schedule so that starvation is no longer an issue.
There are certain foods that your Gremlin loves to feed on – foods that will deplete your relationship energy reserves, and other foods that can maintain a healthy diet for Gremlin without costing you so much in terms of the quality of your relationships. Your task is to distinguish between the two kinds of foods. Then, you can choose to feed to your Gremlin foods from the second list on a regular basis.
To start, make a list of what your Gremlin loves to eat when it has free reign.TYPICAL GREMLIN FOODS
For example, your Gremlin might love to devour the following Typical Gremlin Foods:
- Creating the story that your boss is an enemy and having regular confrontations.
- Weekly social gatherings with alcohol, coming home late and drunk.
- Three large ice creams a week.
- Incessantly talking to fill up any empty space with the sound of your own voice.
- Staying up until three a.m. on business trips watching triple XXX movies.
- Not paying your telephone bill and having the phones almost cut off.
- Arranging to have fights with your mate as an excuse to throw dishes and lamps against the wall.
- Wearing funny, strange or mismatched clothes to get attention.
- Behaving insanely to shock people.
- Interrupting other people to blurt out whatever you want to say.
- Teasing your mother-in-law so she is too flustered to criticize you.
- Bingeing on videos every other day of the week.
- Drinking colas all day.
- Regularly complaining.
- Changing everything into a joke that you can laugh at.
- Eating daily doughnuts, cookies, candy, cake and coffee.
- Smoking.
- Gossiping, speaking about someone when they are not there (triangulating).
- TV, newspaper, magazines.
- Holding resentful grudges and plotting revenge in the bottom of your heart.
- Thinking about chocolate.
- Sleeping past your alarm.
- Devouring salty, greasy, junk food, such as hamburgers, chips, pretzels, popcorn, peanuts, Taco Bell, and fries.
- Catalog shopping to the maximum limit on your credit cards.
- Biting your nails, scratching your face, pulling your hair, picking your nose.
- An hour or so of internet sex here and there.
- Having an ongoing feud with your neighbors, and feeling right about your position.
- Eating so much pizza and ice cream for dinner that the endorphins kick in.
- Having power struggles with your mate; proving they are wrong in public.
- Manipulating your relatives and colleagues with your illnesses.
- Leaving messes around the house that drive your partner crazy.
- Flirting with the guys or gals at the exercise club.
- Swearing at other drivers.
- Paying your taxes late.
- Blaming the government.
- Keeping your desk buried in an almost non-functional pile of papers.
- Kicking the dog.
- Add your favorites. . . . . . . .
It might take you a couple of weeks to collect the details for your list, but then again, maybe you can make the list immediately. Once you have your list of favorite Gremlin foods, develop a reasonable strategy for a regular feeding schedule. For example, a strategy that works well is to choose one day during the week, for example Saturday, and promise your Gremlin that on this one day, all day long, midnight-to-midnight, he can feast as much as he wants on the specific ten items that you have selected from your list. Write out the ten available Gremlin foods on a paper and tape it on your refrigerator to see. Then for the other six days go completely “cold-turkey” on all Gremlin foods.
In the beginning you might make it through one day of no Gremlin food before he actually knocks you unconscious and you wake up on the far side of a binge or a quarrel. Do not feel guilty. Do not beat yourself up. Do not punish your Gremlin. Just remake your commitment and keep your promise of maximum feeding on the specified day, only.
After a while you might make it through three days before getting knocked unconscious. In the meantime Gremlin might put a constant stream of voices in your head, “This is stupid! This is stupid! This is really stupid! I hate this! Mmmm, look at those tits! Just a little piece of chocolate would be okay. Then I’ll be satisfied. What a jerk! Let’s stop this nonsense. I can’t do this anymore. I am a failure. I am not good enough. I will never make it. Whose idea was this anyway? Not mine. Fucking book!” And so on. These are only voices. You may wish to keep in mind that you own a fully-loaded Voice Blaster.
Gremlin might loose a little weight, but he will soon start feeling more fit and alive without so much fat around his belly. He will appreciate his new trim feeling and the interesting challenges you start giving him. Gremlin will recognize that you respect him and are treating him well. After a few months you and your Gremlin might get through an entire week with no snacking. Stay on this regular weekly feeding schedule for at least a year.We are not kidding. Having a conscious Gremlin as an ally at your side stands on a life of practice.
At some point you might notice that a feeding day went by and your Gremlin forgot to feed. Do not change the feeding day that week. If Saturday slipped by with no feeding, do not feed on Sunday or Monday. Just wait until the chosen feeding day comes around again.
You might also notice that a feeding day arrives and none of the ten special Gremlin foods appeal to Gremlin. This is okay. You do not have to force feed your Gremlin. And, do not let it graze on the banned Gremlin foods. Stick to your feeding schedule practice.
Being accountable to your Gremlin for providing him with a regularly planned feeding schedule establishes a relationship with Gremlin like an owner has with his Doberman Pinscher. Your barely-tamed potentially-vicious beast is willing to sit at your feet when you say “sit” because he knows that he is respected, he is taken care of, and in particular, he is regularly fed.This really works.
Gremlin Diet
STARR by Vera Franco
Gremlin And Patriarchy
From your Possibility Management Trainer Katharina Kaifler.
Gremlin Experiments: PHASE 1
Make The Gremlin Distinction
Gremlin is not bad.
Gremlin serves unconscious purposes to keep your life the same until you own your Gremlin and put him on a short leash.
Owning your Gremlin is an authentic adulthood initiatory process.
Then you can give your Gremlin interesting and useful jobs to do that your Box cannot do, such as spotting other Gremlins and immediately telling you.
No one can put your Gremlin on a leash for you.
No one can stop you from keeping your Gremlin on a leash.
Make A Promise And Do NOT Let Your Gremlin Destroy It
Matrix Code YOUGREML.01
Promise to yourself that as you do the Gremlin Experiments on this website, you will not read the next experiment until you have completed the experiment you are engaged with.THIS Experiment, YOUGREML.01 is the only experiment here that you can go on to the next experiment before completing, because it will only be after you finish each next experiment without reading the next experiment that you will, in fact, be finished engaging with this first experiment.
Make A List Of 50 Gremlin Behaviors in Others
Matrix Code YOUGREML.02
It is easier to notice Gremlin behaviors in others, than it is to notice our own Gremlin behavior.
Make a list of 50 Gremlin behaviors that you notice in your friends and family in daily life. Do not stop until you have 50 behaviors. Do not go to the next experiment until you have made a list of 50 behaviors.
How are they destroying connection?
How are they avoiding being present?
How are they not keeping agreements?
When you have a list of at least 50 Gremlin behaviors you noticed in others, enter Matrix Code YOUGREML.02 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Notice Physical Messes Made By Other Gremlins
Matrix Code YOUGREML.03
There is two kinds of messes:
- conscious creative mess. It is often necessary to create chaos in order for something completely different from this to appear.
- unconscious messes that unconscious Gremlin create to feed on.
For one week, notice and write down in your Beep! Book (maybe several times per day) the messes - in the physical domain - that people's Gremlin around you leave unconsciously. Notice particularly the mess they leave in someone else's space or in public space.
For example: littering, shredding pieces of napkin at the restaurant for the waitress to clean up, ripping leaves from trees, leaving dirty dishes, not taking off their shoes, ...
When the week is up, enter Matrix Code YOUGREML.03 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Notice Energetic Messes Made By Other Gremlins
Matrix Code YOUGREML.04
For one week, notice and write down in your Beep! Book (at least once a day, perhaps more) the energetic messes from others people's Gremlin leave around unconsciously.
Notice particularly the mess they leave in (dis)connection with someone else or in (dis)connection with reality.
For example: when someone is late at a appointment, when their Gremlin around looking into other people's personal space (the toilet of the opposite gender, someone else's office), gossiping, trying to get information, ...
At the end of the week, enter Matrix Code YOUGREML.04 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Notice Broken Agreements From Other Gremlins
Matrix Code YOUGREML.05
For one week, notice and write down in your Beep! Book (at least once a day, if not more) all the agreements broken by other people's Gremlin, even the small agreements. Especially the small agreements.
For example: if they say that they will throw out the garbage now, and they do it 15min later; if they say they will call this person today, and forget; if they say you can choose the movie, but in the end they do; ...At the end of the week, enter Matrix Code YOUGREML.05 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Notice Assumptions Made By Other Gremlins
Matrix Code YOUGREML.06
For one week, notice and write down in your Beep! Book every time someone makes assumptions, either about you or about other people.
For example: if they assume you want them to rescue you from washing the dinner dishes, or they assume to know what you are going to say, or that is it okay for them to give you a hug, or that you saying no about something means you are mad.When the week is over, enter Matrix Code YOUGREML.06 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Notice Lies Made By Other Gremlins
Matrix Code YOUGREML.07
For one week, notice and write down in your Beep! Book every time someone Gremlin lies.
For example: when you ask "What time is it?" and they answer it's 3pm, and it's actually 3.05pm then they just lied to you; or when you ask someone "How are you?" and they say "I'm fine", it is also a lie, ...
When the week is up, enter Matrix Code YOUGREML.07 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Notice How Other Gremlins Avoid Responsibility
Matrix Code YOUGREML.08
For one week, notice and write down in your Beep! Book all the moves and gestures from other people's Gremlin to avoid responsibility.
For example: they forgot about money they borrowed, or they pretended not to mind about something that they really did mind about, or they avoided asking for something they wanted.
When the week is up, enter Matrix Code YOUGREML.08 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Notice Gremlin Resentments In Others
Matrix Code YOUGREML.09
Resentment is Gremlin food. Resentment comes from having had an unfulfilled expectations. Anybody can make an expectations about anything. The purpose of having expectations is to create resentment as Gremlin food.
For one week, notice and write down in your Beep! Book all the resentments other people's Gremlin are holding on against you or other people.
You can recognize a resentment from the unconscious anger felt by the other person's Gremlin and the righteousness that this other person didn't do what they were supposed to.
When the week is up, enter Matrix Code YOUGREML.09 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Notice Low Drama Made By Other Gremlins
Matrix Code YOUGREML.10
Low Drama is the main food for Gremlin. Low Drama is a dynamic game in which there is three main characters: the Victim, the Persecutor, and the Rescuer. If you are not familiar with the distinction of Low Drama, please read the Low Drama website.
For one week, notice and write down in your Beep! Book all the Low Drama that other people's Gremlins created with you or with other people.
Notice which is their favorite character: Victim, Persecutor or Rescuer.
Notice which are their favorite ways to get into Low Drama, by complaining, justifying, hating, controlling, manipulating, playing small, playing superior, ...
When the week is up, enter Matrix Code YOUGREML.10 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Gremlin is not bad.
Gremlin is just Gremlin.
Gremlin is a part of you.
Gremlin is a part of them.
Gremlin benefits from creating Gremlin Food.
The Gremlin's payoff is that he gets to serve Shadow Principles, avoid responsibility and create Low Drama.
After about 10 weeks of work paying attention and noticing other people's Gremlins, it is time to look at your own Gremlin.
Make A List Of 50 Of Your Gremlin Behaviors (Food)
Matrix Code YOUGREML.11
Make a list of YOUR 50 Gremlin behaviors.
Do not stop until you have 50 behaviors.
Do not go to the next experiment until you have made a list of 50 behaviors.
Read over and over again the list of Typical Gremlin Foods.
When you have made your list of 50 Gremlin behaviours (foods), enter Matrix Code YOUGREML.11 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
Keep adding to this list as you discover more about your Gremlin.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Notice Your Gremlin's Physical Messes
Matrix Code YOUGREML.12
For one week, notice and write down in your Beep! Book (maybe several times per day) all the messes - in the physical domain - YOUR Gremlin makes.
Notice particularly the mess your Gremlin leaves in someone else's space or in public space.
When the week is up, enter Matrix Code YOUGREML.12 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Notice Your Gremlin's Energetic Messes
Matrix Code YOUGREML.13
For one week, notice and write down in your Beep! Book (at least once a day, perhaps more) the energetic messes YOUR Gremlin leaves around unconsciously.
Notice particularly the mess YOUR Gremlin leave in (dis)connection with someone else or in (dis)connection with reality.
When the week is up, enter Matrix Code YOUGREML.13 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Notice Your Gremlin Breaking Agreements
Matrix Code YOUGREML.14
For one week, notice and write down (at least once a day, if not more) in your Beep! Book all the agreement that YOUR Gremlin breaks, even the small agreements, especially the small agreements.
When the week is up, enter Matrix Code YOUGREML.14 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Notice Your Gremlin's Assumptions About Others
Matrix Code YOUGREML.15
For one week, notice and write down in your Beep! Book every time YOUR Gremlin makes assumptions about other people.
When the week is up, enter Matrix Code YOUGREML.15 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Notice Your Gremlin's Lies
Matrix Code YOUGREML.16
For one week, notice and write down in your Beep! Book every time YOUR Gremlin lies.
Use fierce Self Observation to immediately identify and write down:
- Systemic Lies
- Interpersonal Lies
- Sneaking Lies
- White Lies (lies that are socially acceptable)
- Nano Lies (lies that are so small the only effect they have is to destroy your own Integrity, which is the greatest consequence of all!)
If you do not capture 100s of lies into your Beep Book!... guess what! You are lying to yourself about your lies.
When the week is up, enter Matrix Code YOUGREML.16 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Notice How Your Gremlin Avoids Responsibility
Matrix Code YOUGREML.17
For one week, notice and write down in your Beep! Book all the moves and gestures that YOUR Gremlin makes to avoid responsibility.
When the week is up, enter Matrix Code YOUGREML.17 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Notice How Your Resentments Lead To Revenge - or Plotting Revenge - Against Others
Matrix Code YOUGREML.18
For one week, notice and write down in your Beep! Book all the resentments YOUR Gremlin is holding. Be very clear about who is the resentment against, what is the expectation that you have made that they broke.
You can recognize a resentment from the unconscious anger felt by your Gremlin and the righteousness that the other person didn't do what they were supposed to.
When the week is up, enter Matrix Code YOUGREML.18 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Notice Your Gremlin's Low Drama
Matrix Code YOUGREML.19
For one week, notice and write down in your Beep! Book all the Low Drama that YOUR Gremlin created with yourself or with other people.
Notice which is YOUR favorite character in the Low Drama Triangle.
Notice which are YOUR favorite ways to get into Low Drama, by complaining, justifying, hating, controlling, manipulating, playing small, playing superior...When the week is up, enter Matrix Code YOUGREML.19 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Analyze The Contamination Of Your Adult Ego State By Your Gremlin Ego State
Matrix Code YOUGREML.20
How much percentage of your adult ego state is contaminated with your Gremlin ego state? When your adult ego state is contaminated with your Gremlin ego state, you can never really be fully adult. When you try to be adult, there is always a constant spin, joking, degrading, competing, taking revenge, being on top, etc...
This experiment is to be done in your Possibility Team, after you already have clarity about the distinction of Gremlin and read the website Decontamination together.
Break out in groups of 3 people.
One person starts by asking their two partners: "Please tell me to what degree and in what ways is Gremlin is contaminating my adult ego state."
Write down everything they say. Especially if you don't understand what they say.
Then go back to the Decontamination website and follow the healing process to decontaminate your Gremlin ego state from your adult ego state.
After decontaminating your first isolated Gremlin behavior, enter Matrix Code YOUGREML.15 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Get Feedback From People Who Hate You (Your Gremlin)
Matrix Code YOUGREML.21
Make a list of 8-10 people that you have or have had charge with. It would people that you don't talk to anymore. Something happened, there was a breakdown.
Call them up one after the next in the coming days.
When they pick up the phone, tell them:
"My last relationship did not work and I am missing something about myself about how I interact with people. I think you have clarity for me about what I do or don't do that breaks my relationships with people. Would you be willing to tell me?"
You just listen, don't interrupt, don't justify, don't explain (unless it is asked for clearly from the other person). Write down what they say. Do not make any promise that you will change.
At the end of the call, simply say "Thank you."
When you have listened to 5 people enter Matrix Code YOUGREML.15 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Have A Showdown With Your Inner Voice That Tells You: "I am a horrible person"
Matrix Code YOUGREML.22
For one week, in your Beep! Book, write down ALL the reasons and evidence that proves that you are a horrible person: from the smallest to your biggest failures, why you are not lovable, and not good enough.
This is what your Gremlin sounds like in your head.
Once the week is up, enter Matrix Code YOUGREML.22 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Write What Your Gremlin Says As A Character In A Short Film Script
Matrix Code YOUGREML.23
After you have written down every reason and all evidence why you are a horrible person, re-write ALL of the sentences so they say: "My Gremlin thinks that I am a horrible person because..."
The write all these stories and their evidence as a short film script. Consider making the movie.
Then enter Matrix Code YOUGREML.23 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Pay For Each Time Your Gremlin Plays Victim
Matrix Code YOUGREML.24
Do this experiment for one week: anytime your Gremlin plays the Victim, give one euro (or an equivalent in your area) to your neighbour (or a cause).
You play the Victim in any moment you complain, blame, feel tired of another person's behavior, justify, sulk, play small, ...
Once the week is up, and you have given the money, enter Matrix Code YOUGREML.24 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Notice Your Gremlin's Conclusions About Yourself
Matrix Code YOUGREML.25
For one week, notice and write down in your Beep! Book all the assumptions you have about yourself.
I am a woman. I am man.
I am a mother, a father.
I am German. I am American.
I can't do this.
I have to do this.
You don't have roles. You have a Life.
Your life may be blocked by your Conclusions about yourself.
After each Conclusion you write down, also write down your payoff or benefit for making and holding onto this Conclusion. What did you get out of it. Be Radically Honest with yourself about this.
Once the week is up, review the list and enter Matrix Code YOUGREML.25 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Use Your Gremlin's Senses To Detect And Take Responsibility
Matrix Code YOUGREML.26
Do this experiment 3 times a day for the next month.
The experiment is to use your Gremlin consciously to go out of the way of your Box and take responsibility that your Box usually wouldn't normally take.
Start with little things, then move on to bigger things.
Go to the edge where your Gremlin would not normally go. Your Gremlin would usually think: "It's not my job. I didn't make the mess...". Use your Gremlin to create something new.
For example: compliment somebody at the post office.
Once the week is up, enter Matrix Code YOUGREML.26 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Consciously Imitate The Behavior of Gremlins
Matrix Code YOUGREML.27
This experiment is to be done in your Possibility Team. Line up the chairs next to each other so they face one side of room: this is where the stage is.
One person goes on the stage. The experiment is for the audience to imitate the behavior of the standing person's Gremlin for 8 minutes.
When everyone on the Team has had a turn being imitated and has imitated the other Gremlins, they can each enter Matrix Code YOUGREML.27 in their free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Identify When Your Gremlin Wants To Speak
Matrix Code YOUGREML.28
For one week (and then for the rest of your life), the experiment is each time your Gremlin is about to speak, identify him/her out loud before s/he speaks by saying: "My Gremlin wants to say...."
Doing it after does not count for the experiment.
After doing this for the first week, enter Matrix Code YOUGREML.28 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Record Your Gremlin's Laugh Then Interview Your Gremlin
Matrix Code YOUGREML.29
For the next week, your experiment is to find your gremlin's laugh and record it.
Once the week is up, listen your various recordings, and then ask a fellow Possibilitator to make a thorough video interview of your Gremlin, about when it came into existence, what its purpose is, what its favorite tricks, foods, and benefits are, how it avoids responsibility, and why it laughs like this.
Do not necessarily show this interview to anyone. It is for you and your Gremlin. Then enter Matrix Code YOUGREML.29 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Have A Gremlin Christmas Party
Matrix Code YOUGREML.30
The next experiment is to make an agreement with someone that you will exchange Gremlin presents with each other. Those are Gremlin designed presents, not presents for the other person's Gremlin.
For example: offering a box of chocolate with all the wrappers but no chocolate inside, or with every chocolate half-eaten, or, offering a box full of styrofoam bits and nothing else, offering a man's necktie to a woman...
Or, use Gremlin's Nonlinear Possibility to provide gifts of Nonmaterial Value to each other, such as, doing Palm Readings, writing transformational poetry, providing Gremlin powered skill practice such as Centering practice, or Nonlinear Possibility Creation contest.
Once you have each given and received 5 Gremlin presents, enter Matrix Code YOUGREML.30 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Open Presents In Advance
Matrix Code YOUGREML.31
On Christmas day (or a birthday or any celebration), tell your Gremlin to open a little bit of the other people's presents (or letters) and then deny it if anyone ask if you did it.
This is conscious use of Gremlin: using your Gremlin to go to the edge of your Box (or beyond the edge of your Box).When you have done this one three different occasions, enter Matrix Code YOUGREML.31 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
What Your Box Cannot Do But Your Gremlin Can
Matrix Code YOUGREML.32
Figure out what rules your Box cannot break.
Then, design an experiment for your Gremlin to break that particular rule that your Box will freak out if you break it.For example: If your Box has a rule against asking strangers in a restaurant to share their food with you, you can do an experiment where you walk along a street where there are many restaurants with outdoor seating, and when your Gremlin spots a person who has some food your Gremlin would like, ask them, "Can I have a slice of your pizza?" or "Can I eat that extra bread?"
An additional rule for this experiment: don't get arrested!
When you have used your Gremlin to do three experiments that freak out your Box, enter Matrix Code YOUGREML.32 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Give Your Gremlin The Job To Scan For Gremlins
Matrix Code YOUGREML.33
For one week (and then for the rest of your life), give your Gremlin the job to scan for other Gremlins around you: at home, in public, at the mall, at the market, at the movie theater.
Tell your Gremlin to find their Gremlin signature. At least once a day, write in your Beep! Book about the Gremlins your Gremlin finds.
When the week is done, enter Matrix Code YOUGREML.33 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Document Each Time You Create A Shadow Legend
Matrix Code YOUGREML.34
For one week, write down in your Beep! Book all the times that you or someone else makes a legendary Gremlin move:
- Says: "It's just a joke"
- Makes a Projection.
- Makes an Expectation.
- Makes a Judgement.
- Makes a Conclusion.
- Makes Resentment.
- Makes a Justification trying to make Gremlin behavior okay
Notice how making unconscious Shadow Legends, such as jokes that insult others, etc., kills intimacy and vulnerability automatically.
When the week is up, enter Matrix Code YOUGREML.34 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Watch A Conscious Gremlin Movie
Matrix Code YOUGREML.35
Watch the following movie: Ace Ventura - When Nature Calls.
This would be 'conscious Gremlin' film because it is designated as a 'comedy'. There are many films that are 'unconscious Gremlin' films, such as many gangster movies, psychotic serial killer movies, torture revenge movies, etc. Please be careful NEVER to watch these because they leave damaging scars on your Being that can never be removed. Here is a list that we have made: http://possibilityfilms.mystrikingly.com/#films-not-to-see
In each scene of When Nature Calls, ask each other: is this Ace Ventura as a conscious Gremlin or unconscious Gremlin? Write it down.
Notice all the ways Ace Ventura gives valuable information to the Gremlins around him, using his Gremlin. Write that down.
Choose one of the scenes in the film to play out on your own stage together. Take turns playing the different roles over and over. Give each other supportive Feedback and Coaching for Shifting Identity into each role.
Then enter Matrix Code YOUGREML.35 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Declare Your Home To Be A Gremlin-Free Zone
Matrix Code YOUGREML.36
Declaring is one of your 3 Powers as a human being. We mostly use Declaring unconsciously. Unconscious Declaring serves to fulfill the unconscious purposes of Gremlin. Without thinking about it, we use our most intimate relations at home in our family as the primary feeding ground for Gremlin. It does not have to stay that way.
Gremlin views your partner and family as an all-you-can-eat Low Drama Buffet, open 24/7. This Experiment is to make a pact with your partner, family, housemates; a sacred vow, each of you swearing on a stack of Conscious Feelings books never to allow Gremlin to again feed on the intimacy with each other.
Gremlin is fully capable of gulping down enough junk food to keep its belly full by backstabbing at work, gossiping with the neighbors, or while shopping-lifting in the mall. No Gremlin feeding in your home!
If your home is established as a Gremlin Free Zone, then it is also an Assumption Free Zone, an Expectation Free Zone, a Resentment Free Zone, a Conclusion Free Zone, and a Competition Free Zone.
Your home becomes a sanctuary for the intimacy of not knowing, the intimacy of undefendedness, the intimacy of simple kindnesses, and the intimacy of Archetypal Love.
Your home is no longer a known world.
To start this experiment the practice is very clear: when you come home you check your Gremlin at the door. No words come out of your mouth until your Gremlin is sitting next to you and you have him on a short chain.
Some couples have the practice of taking their shoes off at the front door because shoes carry dirt from the outside world and are not needed in the clean soft sanctuary of their home. Take your Gremlin off the same way.
Enter your home naked, without plans, without needing anything, without shouting, “Honey! I’m home!” and thereby shattering the sanctuary space that was there before your Gremlin's Shadowy desires for recognition and enmeshment showed up.
Enter your home as if you have no personal history, and no history with your partner. Enter not knowing what will happen, prepared to create High Drama and lots of Yellow Stuff.
If you enter your home environment leaving behind your Gremlin you will be able to appreciate the quality of things with unprecedented freshness.
People will have possibilities that you never saw before. Simply breathing in the company of your partner will become like singing holy Hallelujahs.
After a taste of being in your home-sanctuary with your partner and without your Gremlin, an intense series of questions could arise for you:
Why would you ever want it different from this? Why would you ever let your Gremlin eat your life? Why would you permit your Gremlin to minimize and control such expansive and transcendental experiences?
Don't hesitate even for an instant to tell your Gremlin to “Sit!” by your feet, and take care to feed him or her a controlled regular diet, elsewhere, anywhere else but at your home.
After one month of having your Home a Gremlin Free Space, enter Matrix Code YOUGREML.36 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Listen To Your Gremlin
Matrix Code YOUGREML.37
Grab your Beep! Book before you watch this video.
In your Beep! Book, title a new page: WHAT MY GREMLIN THINKS AND FEELS.
Then pay close attention to the comments in your mind from your Gremlin that come to you while you watch this video.
Write down the comments, judgements, and expressions. It will not be the first time your Gremlin says them to you, but it could be the first time you write them down. While you watch the video, notice your own Gremlin's laughter. It is important to instantly detect when your own Gremlin's is laughing. Then you know who is in charge.
In this video you will see two Gremlins at play. Both boys are unconsciously taken over by their Gremlins. You can see the soap squirter's Gremlin smile over and over. He moves and laughs in Gremlin ecstasy while he torments the bather. You can also see the bather's Gremlin take over as the bather tries to solve his problem with unconscious anger and aggression, typical Gremlin foods. If the bather were not taken over by his Gremlin he would realize that something not possible is going on and find out what it is.
After watching and writing, enter Matrix Code YOUGREML.37 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Gremlin Reconstruction Initiatory Process
Matrix Code YOUGREML.38
When you were a child, your Gremlin was already too big, too creative, too wild, too uncontrollable for your environment to handle.
Therefore, you might have decided that the only way for you to survive was to bury and try to kill parts of your Gremlin.
We have different ways of doing so. It is not bad or not wrong to have buried your Gremlin, you had to survive and you made a choice. It was a good choice, because you are here right now: you survived. And as an adult Man or Woman, you need your Gremlin for your Life and Destiny.
You need the nonlinearity, rule-breaking possibilities of your Gremlin for example to bring your next project to the world.
Your Gremlin has the ability to destroy any space at any time for no reason. When uninitiated, the Gremlin will do this unconsciously to protect the Box from any space that represents a possibility of expansion or evolution.
When the Gremlin starts to be initiated, you can give him different jobs: for example, destroying a space of ordinary to be able to set an extraordinary space. Your Box is probably freaked out just thinking about this. For your Gremlin, no problem, it’s an easy job.
If you are stuck in the process of bringing your next project to life, if you cannot hold your ground in the face of bigger Gremlins. If you cannot tell your Gremlin to act on purpose, some parts of your Gremlin are left in your childhood.
It's time to bring them back to life.
A 2 minute introductory video about Gremlin Reconstruction from Anne-Chloé Destremau is online at: https://youtu.be/bjKpzZfRu7s
When you have done this initiation, enter Matrix Code YOUGREML.38 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Start And Seriously Commit To Completing Your Gremlin Transformation
Matrix Code YOUGREML.39
Gremlin Transformation is a formal long-term commitment to inhabiting a new life, and thereby, a new world. This world is waiting for you. You are designed to shift out of ordinary and create and occupy ongoing extraordinary and archetypal spaces. Will you do it?
Gremlin Transformation has prerequisites, and is itself a prerequisite to Adult Ego State Decontamination, a further necessary initiation into Adulthood.
Very few people in the world so far have made it so far as to Transform their Gremlin and Decontaminate their Adult Ego State. You could be one. It is the equivalent of getting out of one river of life, hiking over the mountains and across the desert alone, then entering a new river of life. This is the Hero's Journey, but not in the movies or a book. It is in your life. It makes your life better than the movies...
After being officially and ongoingly with your Gremlin Transformation Team for 12 full months, you may not yet be stable with a transformed Gremlin, but it will certainly be a worthwhile and adventurous journey. You are well on your way. This is when to enter Matrix Code YOUGREML.39 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
Gremlin Gallery
Sketches of some Gremlins made during Gremlin Hunting.
Gremlin Work: PHASE II
Put Your Gremlin To Work
Contrary to what you might expect, you will use Gremlin more in Extraordinary Human Relationship and Archetypal Relationship than in Ordinary Human Relationship. In Ordinary Human Relationship, Gremlin is sneaking around as a Ronin, a lone Samurai without a master, serving himself, and definitely not creating a bright future for you, or humanity. In Archetypal Relationship the rightful place of Gremlin is established: awake, attentive, sitting at the feet of Archetypal Man or Woman with a short chain tied around his neck.
At first, when you discover the true nature and intention of Gremlin, it is quite difficult not to simply declare with disgust that Gremlin is bad or evil , a creature that must be imprisoned or banished forever.Such thinking is a remnant of the good/bad Shadow Principle of the Church, and using it will leave you crippled with your Gremlin invisibly at work, busily creating his usual unconscious horrors with your life, like the priests at a parochial school justifying violence or sexual intimacies with the boys in their care.
Gremlin is Gremlin. Gremlin does what Gremlin does. We all have Gremlin and no matter what we think or try to do, Gremlin will never go away. Gremlin is a force like sulfuric acid, like plastic explosives, like a laser beam, like a crowbar or lock picks, neither good nor bad, but definitely capable of producing certain results. As with all tools, Gremlin can be used to fulfill either responsible or irresponsible purposes. We live in a wild world. We need access to a kind of intelligent wildness for taking care of ourselves and for creating what we want to create. The source of that wild intelligence is Gremlin. After possessing your Gremlin, a source of wild intelligence sits at your feet, a trained attack animal, ready to do what it always does but doing it as you responsibly and maturely direct.
Gremlin is an exceptional tool of nonlinearity, particularly suited for shaping Extraordinary Human and Archetypal Relationship where only Ordinary Human Relationship existed before. The application of this tool is counterintuitive. You use Gremlin’s ability to destroy anything, at any time, for no reason, as the force to dismantle the mechanicality of your own Box. Gremlin is the only one who knows the secret ways to get through your own defenses, the only one clever enough to free you from being trapped by your own tricks.
The first use of Gremlin is very exact. Use Gremlin to monitor Gremlin to not 'do' Gremlin.It takes a thief to catch a thief, and Gremlin is the ultimate thief. Only Gremlin knows exactly how devious, cunning, and shrewd Gremlin is. Only Gremlin is sensitive and fast enough to catch Gremlin before he steals away your dignity with his shenanigans.
Give Your Gremlin Impossible Jobs To Do
- Use Gremlin to sharpen your self-discipline. Use Gremlin to stop overly judgmental thinking.
- Use Gremlin to keep your attention free from being hooked and your heart free from emotionally reacting.
- Use Gremlin to hold your tongue when all it wants to do is lash out and destroy.
- Use Gremlin to not snicker, not sneer, not sigh, not yawn, and not roll your eyes.
- Use Gremlin to not speak the hurting cynical words, not make the cutting tone-of-voice insinuations, not say the nasty, stupid, degrading little jokes that destroy people.
- Use Gremlin to keep your center when everyone around you is giving their center away.
- Use Gremlin to stay awake and pay attention when everyone around you is sleeping and hypnotized. Use Gremlin to look in shadowy places at what is normally ignored.
- Use Gremlin to not throw stones at the adulteress.
- Use Gremlin to stay still when other people move and to move when other people stay still.
- Use Gremlin to do the right thing even when the consequences are frightening.
- Use Gremlin to make and hold necessary boundaries even when the kids are screaming at you to give in to their demands.
- Use Gremlin to ask dangerous questions that no one else can even think of because the forces of conclusion are so strong.
- Use Gremlin to break the rules that minimize expressions of kindness, generosity or compassion.
- Use Gremlin to distinguish subtle details that make invisible things distinct from their camouflage.
- Use Gremlin to kill your own denial, to walk directly into your own pain and to let your whole world go up in flames, burning to a cinder.
- Use Gremlin to watch your old reality crumble to dust without being even one percent a victim of the experiential circumstances.
- Use Gremlin to stay present and let your reality construct die without being sentimental, hysterical, isolated, or nostalgic.
- Use Gremlin to let yourself be seen raw, naked, stupid, crippled and wounded – exactly as you are – and do not care about other people’s opinions or judgments.
- Use Gremlin to energetically 'spin' so that you hold no position and stay a moving target to other people’s comments.
- Use Gremlin to wait patiently through the unknown until the next thing can happen.
- Use Gremlin to have the courage to start something that has never been started before.
It is Gremlin who can stand completely exposed and vulnerable and not care. It is Gremlin who can allow chaos and total destruction to rain upon your habits, your personality, your crushed little venemous ego, you comforts, with the same acceptance and neutrality that he allows blessings, appreciation, respect and love to rain upon you.And it is Gremlin who can feel deep compassion for others whose Gremlin still owns them and keeps them living (if you can call it living) in an Underworld created by their still unconscious and all-powerful Gremlin.
Get to work practicing with this, buddy. You do not have as much time as you think...
Experiments - Gremlin Phase II
It's all phase I. Don't fool yourself about this.
When Gremlin takes over
knocks you unconscious
insists on being right at all cost
saves the show of your Box at all cost
(in this case the continuous victory is at the cost of a young girl's sexual abuser being convicted - I don't recommend the movie: it is a horror movie)
Parts of your Gremlin have been banished.
Reconnect with the long-lost, beaten-up, shrivelled and ignored powers of your Gremlin.
The Adult Initiated Man and Woman require a reconstructed and initiated Gremlin at their side.
Modern culture knows nothing about Gremlin.
Your Gremlin was already too big for your environment to handle when you were a child. You had to bury and try to kill parts of your Gremlin to survive.
The Gremlin Reconstruction process is an initiatory process designed to reclaim the special knacks, powers and abilities of your Gremlin to bring your next project to life, as a source of non-linear possibility.
It is now time...
NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade matrix-building personal-transformation real-life adventure-game called StartOver.xyz. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code YOUGREML.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out!